
I don’t know if he would enable the star player that ate coming from Europe who often times need to be dropped or put on notice. That’s my concern. That’s part of the reason I prefer Vermes. He would be super strong personality wise.

Dolo Is one of the greatest players we’ve ever ever produced as a nation so in a sense it would be a great story if you were our manager, but I’m not sure if he’s the right guys

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There's rocking the boat, and there's being a realist about Reyna. Someone needs to come in who can handle situations just like that one, and coach.

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There was a recent comment on the MLS site that it would be good for Atlanta to sign Gio Reyna so he would actually get some serious playing time and maybe be able to return to the USMNT team as a starter.

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Kartik, what do you think about this? "After Klopp turned down USSF, there has been lot of online speculation and excitement about LAFC's Cherundolo......"


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Why not a female coach?? Given the extreme youth of the present USMNT team, the success female coaches have enjoyed at all levels, how this would truly shake things up, let's go for it! Jill Ellis, anyone?

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Have you seen Jill Ellis's recent headlines? Hard pass.

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Ooops. But the male players may like the abuse (in a fantasy fetish-filled world) : )))

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Not sure this is a good idea. K.C. does not play attractive football. As sporting director he has not brought in new players as needed or developed young players.

Do they even have an academy? If so, where are the young players?

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They have had one of the better academies in the league through the years and had a really productive second team for many years that was competitive and in fact even made a final in USL, which is a league where they were playing against independent clubs.

As far as the attractive football part, I agree with you, but I’m not concerned about that. It’s about winning. It’s about accountability. It’s about making heads roll.

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Jul 11Liked by Kartik Krishnaiyer

What you say is true but looking at their roster, these young players do not make it onto the 1st team. Other teams with good academies have players moving up and getting playing time.

For me a manager who would be a good fit is Robin Frazier. HE was a victim of the poor owners and upper staff in Colorado.

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He’s now helping to build CT United in MLSNP

It’s possible Vermes has gotten stake at SKC - 15 years is a looong tenure. At one time they were the model for vertical integration but maybe not any longer.

All the more reason to move now.

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Not happening

Vermes demands TOTAL control

The part about Crocker says everything you need to know

Move on


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Who would you suggest instead? I agree that Crocker will be an issue, so who might Crocker pick that can also do a good job?

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After Klopp turned down USSF, there has been lot of online speculation and excitement about LAFC's Cherundolo......


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